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Your complete three-book options library: up-to-date techniques, crystal-clear explanations, real examples, step-by-step instructions! Three options best-sellers, one great price! Guy Cohen introduces options in plain English, so you can start earning profits fast. W. Edward Olmstead teaches step-by-step how to control risk, safeguard investments, and much more. Then, Michael Thomsett presents 12 conservative strategies for hedging losses, mitigating risk, creating income, and increasing overall returns. From world-renowned leaders and experts, including Guy Cohen, Dr. W. Edward Olmstead, and Michael C. Thomsett.
Introduction to Trading and Investing with Options (Collection) 1st Edition by Guy Cohen and Publisher FT Press PTG. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780132657921, 0132657929. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780132657730, 0132657732.
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